Objectives: To experiment and demonstrate the impact of social determinants of health on the health status of the urban poor Programmes: Pre-school non-formal education.
The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) is a global standard for systematically monitoring adult tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) and tracking key tobacco control indicators. In India, the first round of GATS was first implemented in 2009-10 (GATS 1) and the second round was implemented in 2016-17 (GATS 2). The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) designated Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) as the implementing agency for carrying out the second round of GATS in India. GATS 2 was implemented in 30 states of India and two Union territories (UTs). A total of 74,037 individuals across states and ...
This is sponsored by USAID with and through the Public Health Foundation of India. Project outputs include a state health accounts for Maharashtra, a process and outcome evaluation of RGJAY - the state government’s publicly announced health insurance scheme, and a study of out of pocket expenditures, morbidity and mortality patterns along with stakeholder discussions leading to the identication of priorities under Universal Health Cover.
This research project critically analysed the information that is available from di erent existing data sources and developed framework for measuring progress towards the health goal of the SDGs and changes in health equity. This project includes an understanding of what must be done to make these data sources more reliable and equity sensitive.
To conduct a study to generate evidence on service delivery models for different parts of the country with a focus on organisation of human resources, work processes and referral support. This project is funded by WHO (India).
This programme started on November 25, 2016 and is also funded by WHO (India).
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