DIET Strengthening Programme

Locations: Karnataka, India

Sponsor: Department of School Education, Government of Karnataka

TISS provides academic support to DIETs in Karnataka to emerge as vibrant educational resource centres, and effectively implement the DIET's programmes and build teacher educators capacity through the post graduate certificate programme – Contemporary Education Perspectives.

The Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Teacher Education aims to strengthen teacher education in the country. This scheme has continued to fund state Governments to support these Teacher Education Institutes.  Recently MHRD had constituted a committee to recommend revitalising DIETs and recommended that DIETs develop vibrant district resource centres to strengthen teachers’ professional development. Karnataka has recently adopted an Elementary Teacher Education Curriculum that envisages a significant shift in perspective from viewing pre-service education as transmission of information related to content and pedagogy to a self-learning, reflective process.   In this context, TISS is providing academic support to DIETs in Karnataka to emerge as vibrant educational resource centres, and effectively implement the DIET's programmes. Teacher educators are also participating in the Post Graduate Certificate Programme – Contemporary Education Perspectives ( )designed for teacher educators. This year teacher educators across all DIETs are enrolled in the Pedagogy courses – Language, Mathematics and Science.  Department of School Education & DSERT, Karnataka have approved the proposal and the DIET strengthening programme has taken off with the mathematics and science first contact period classes commencing on November 15th,  2018.
