Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT)- School of Education

Locations: Mumbai

Sponsor: Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Govt of India

The support extended to TISS under the School of Education component of the PMMMNMTT is expected to enable the Institute contribute to strengthening teacher education and professional development, with a specific focus in improving curriculum and pedagogy in PSTE and inset for teachers and school HMs towards use of ICT and OERs in schools PSTE, INSET and for TE. TISS is leveraging its expertise in use of OERs and ICT in Education developed through its flagship field action programmes CLIx and ITE to develop expertise among teachers for ICT integration. TISS has launched an initiative for Excellence in Teacher Education which will anchor a flagship new integrated BEd-MEd programme. Faculty are involved in teaching, material development and research assessment and evaluation and resource development (including online teacher resources).

Objectives :

  • To conduct five academic programmes to meet the teaching requirements of elementary, secondary and higher education, (MA Elementary Education, MA Education, MPhil Education, PhD Education, and Integrated B.Ed./M.Ed along with short term certificate courses for in-service teachers).
  • To conduct research and development in curriculum development, pedagogy, special education, language teaching through wider use of Technology.
  • To develop human resources in assessment and evaluation through preservice teacher education programmes
  • To develop the school, as model institution for teacher education with ICT facilities and human resource expertise.