Sponser: Centre for Microfinance and Livelihood (CML)
Technology Based School Interventions (TBSI) in Assam seeks to provide opportunity to middle and secondary school students in government schools to deepen and authenticate their learning at school by creating projects using technology, apart from improving their communicative English and performance in mathematics. The strategy adopted for implementing the program has the following components:
Scale the intervention in 100 schools by building on the existing state partnership in Assam, established systems in districts, improved ICT infrastructure, teacher leaders, tools and learnings
Leverage the state provided ICT infrastructure and build teacher capacity to enhance learning levels and build 21st century skills among students
Enhancing learning levels in communicative English by deploying CLIx modules and mathematics using Khan Academy resources
Following are the major activities proposed to be carried out as part of the program:
Training of 100 English teachers on CLIx English modules
Installing of tech resources in 100
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