Sponser: Govt of Telangana
The Telangana IFP OER Curation project aims to leverage pedagogical affordances of Interactive Flat Panel(IFP) devices in the classrooms to enhance the quality of interactions, inclusivity and overall pedagogy in the schools. To achieve this, digital Open Educational Resources (OER) are to be curated for all the subjects in the grades 8th, 9th and 10th mapped to respective textbooks.
The curation process is guided by subject specific design principles which are based on a research-backed, comprehensive framework (RAP Curation Rubric) to assess quality of digital resources across 3 parameters - relevance, affordance and pedagogical practice. Detailed notes for teachers were provided in order to support their use of the OERs in the classroom.
As a collaborative project between State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Govt. of Telangana and TISS, the curation process involves experts from TISS, SCERT and external subject matter experts (SMEs) and vetted by a quality control (QC) panel.
The project aims to curate more than 500 OER across seven subjects for the grades 8th, 9th and 10th. These OERs will be integrated in classroom teaching in more than 4000 secondary schools across Telangana state. It is hoped that integration of curated OER alongwith teachers’ professional development will lead to following outcomes:
Improved quality of classroom interactions
Improved inclusivity in classroom
Improved Learning Outcomes
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