Office for International Affairs

Financial Assistance from OIA

Over a period of time the OIA has experienced an increase in demands for financial assistance from students, staff and faculty members who want to attend international conferences, seminars, workshops in different countries.

Considering the increasing number of applications across TISS campuses, the OIA Internal Committee has been constituted to look into the request for regular financial assistance demands by faculty/staff and students. The OIA Outgoing Exchange Programme Manager will be part of the application short-listing/ reviewing process. Prior approval/intimation of the OIA is required to process any fund requirement from the OIA account.

The approval for grants for individual applications or assistance needed will be decided based on the authenticity of the programme, academic value, academic contribution etc,.

Funds for TISS Students:

  • Financial Assistance will only be provided to Indian students enrolled in full-time degree programmes at TISS.
  • Requests for assistance from international students / alumni enrolled in short-term programmes at TISS will not be entertained by the OIA.
  • Financial assistance will only be provided to students who are presenting academic papers at international conferences, seminars or workshops.
  • To avail of financial assistance students have to clearly state the funds received from different sources and assistance approved by the organizers as part of the application process.
  • In certain cases, the OIA may request a particular student to submit income certificate / income tax returns of their parents to be able to evaluate the eligibility for financial assistance.
  • If there is any discrepancy in the information provided to the OIA strict action will be initiated against such applicants. Such students will also be debarred from appearing for student exchange programmes for financial assistance in the future.
  • Students will be encouraged to negotiate with the conference organizers regarding the waiving of the registration fees.
  • In case the student has availed of financial assistance but was unable to attend the particular programme or there is any misappropriation of funds received by the students, such students will have to return the completed amount that was provided through the OIA.
  • Mere application doesn't result in the grant of funds from the OIA / Institute.

 Financial Assistance to BA Students :

  • BA Students will be provided a partial financial assistance of Rs.15, 000/-. This is the maximum amount that can be provided to Bachelor students.

 Financial Assistance to MA Students :

  • MA students will be provided partial assistance of Rs. 30,000/- or one-way travel fare whichever is less. 
  • It is decided that financial assistance should be provided to those who have not received any support in the past 2 years from the OIA / TISS. 

Financial Assistance to M.Phil/Ph.D. Students: 

  • Mphil/ PhD students will be provided partial assistance of Rs. 30,000/- or one-way travel fare whichever is less.
  • Financial assistance would be provided to those who have not received any support (as assistance or Exchange) in the past 2 years from the OIA / TISS to ensure more people have the opportunity to gain International exposure.

Financial Assistance to Faculty:

  • Faculty members can be considered for partial financial assistance fixed at Rs.40,000/ for Assistant Professor, Rs.50,000/- for Associate Professor/ Chairperson and Rs. 60, 000 for Dean/ Senior Professor. This is subject to change as per designation/ allocated work by the Institute/ Director.
  • Preference will be given to young faculty members who have not visited any foreign University for academic purposes under exchange programmes / seminars / workshops / conferences (OIA or otherwise).
  • The permanent faculty members will be encouraged to apply for International Travel Grants (UGC) available from the institute and other trusts or agencies like ICSSR/Tata Trust etc. Professors are expected to develop their own networks/field contacts and generate possibilities of academic exchanges and mobility through applying for joint international projects and scholarships.
  • Temporary / ad-hoc faculty and staff members unless they have completed 3 years working at TISS as regular/ full-time employees will not be considered for financial assistance from the OIA.
  • Faculty members who have received financial assistance from the OIA in the last three years will not be considered for financial assistance.
  • In rare cases, grants for developing international programmes/ collaborations will be provided to Institutionally deputed faculty members as approved by the Director.

 Important information to avail financial assistance: 

  • Any student/staff/faculty member interested in availing support through the OIA should apply for financial assistance at least 2-3 months in advance. 
  • Those selected for paper presentations should submit their abstract/selected papers along with the application form.
  • There should be clear mention of the amount of financial assistance required and the information about funds, received from different sources.
  • The applicant should mandatorily submit an undertaking from the self/organizers stating the funds received/not- received from different sources for the said program. If there is any discrepancy in the information provided to the OIA, strict action will be initiated against such applicants. 
  • The papers submitted by the faculty member will be reviewed by an expert while paper by the student will be reviewed by the OIA Internal Committee. 
  • The interested faculty members have to attach all back-papers regarding the international visit along with the submission of documents stating the funds received from all sources and costs covered by the organizers to avail financial assistance through the OIA.
  • The faculty members who are receiving the assistance have to submit the OIA financial assistance form along with the summary of expenses, copies of tickets receipts, boarding passes etc as per the requirements. Such faculty members will also have to submit a brief report to the OIA upon their arrival. 
  • In situations/cases where the OIA is providing partial financial support for roundabout International travel to students and faculty members, tickets will be booked by Travel desk of the Institute as per the Institute norms. 
  • Students/ staff and faculty members should ensure that they book the lowest possible fare/ reasonable tickets/ with direct flights to be able to process their request. If the Students/ faculty are blocking their own tickets and claiming any financial support from the OIA, they need to submit the screenshot of the online flight booking on the day of booking. 
  • Note: The faculty members/staff receiving financial assistance will not send any note for additional expenses incurred during their visit to the OIA over and above the approved amount. 
  • No extra money other than the sanctioned amount will be reimbursed from the OIA.
  • Similarly, faculty members/students who are only presenting posters at International conferences/ conferences/ seminars etc will not be provided support through OIA funds. Presenting Posters is not equivalent to presenting papers. 
  • Request from faculties and senior professors would be considered case by case particularly keeping in view that their request for financial support is towards a work that is institutionally assigned.
  • Priority will be given to those students who are presenting paper or planning to publish their work. 
  • Students who are participating in International programmes as delegates will be accessed for financial assistance based on the academic value and International recognition of the programme. Students who are participating in conferences/ as delegates organized by top/ world class Universities/ Institutions will only be considered by Financial assistance 
  • Financial assistance to students will not be provided to more than 2 students for the same programme. This will be decided based on the first cum first serve basis. 
  • Financial assistance will not be provided to attend International conferences/ workshops/ seminars/ symposiums organized in any part of India. 
  • Students who have availed financial assistance will have to compulsorily submit boarding passes and brief exchange report as part of the process. 
  • Students who have already completed one student exchange program cannot apply for the another (student exchange programme or Financial Assistance) during the same degree.
  • They can apply only when they are enrolled at TISS for a new degree programme and there is a gap of at least 2 years from the completion of the earlier exchange.
  • Financial Assistance will not be provided to students on the following grounds:
    Students selected for Erasmus Mundus, DLF or DAAD Exchange programme or any other fully funded exchange programme through the OIA.
    Students selected for Full-time International Degree/ Diploma/ Summer School/ Winter School Programmes. 
  • Students who have already completed one student exchange program or received financial assistance for attending an International conferences/ workshop/ seminar/ workshop or visit etc., cannot apply for financial assistance/ student exchange programme for 02 years from the completion of the last mobility.
  • A student who has successfully completed 2 student exchange programmes- short-term/ Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference/ Erasmus Mundus/ DLF or any other fully/ partially funded exchange will not be allowed to apply for any more exchange programmes or financial assistance from the OIA / TISS.
  • The final financial assistance will be based on Director's approval. 

Application process:

  • In order to avail financial assistance from the OIA, the concerned student/faculty/staff are required to submit an application form available with the OIA / downloadable from the OIA website. Request for assistance from the applicant has to be submitted a minimum of 2 months in advance for processing of the application

Disbursement of sanctioned grant: 

  • Post the approval of the assistance, it may take upto 2 month(s) time to receive the approved assistance. This will be processed after confirmation of the bank details and complete documents.