Office for International Affairs

Customized Short-Term Study in India Program (CSIP)

The OIA facilitates Short-term Customized Study in India Programmes for students and faculty members of foreign universities in collaboration with faculty members located in different Schools and Centres at the Institute or independently through the OIA.

These Programmes are often tailored to the requirements of foreign universities / participants and comprise lecture-based and theme-based classroom teaching sessions, field visits, field placements, etc. The duration of the programme is quite flexible and at present, ranges from 1 to 4 weeks.

The OIA provides the needed assistance towards facilitating the travel of incoming students and faculty / staff members of the programme by issuing invitation letters for visas, arranging accommodation, on-campus arrangements and travel facilities, etc.


Partner university / potential partner university

 The incoming universities or institutions can either be a partner university with whom TISS has signed an MoU or a potential partner university (non-MoU) or is part of a project supported by a third party/ funding agency. All CSIP programmes are academic in nature, any cultural events and exposure will have to be independently planned by the group – outside the campus. In case there are any on-campus events (cultural/ non-cultural) – these will be informed to the respective incoming coordinators as per programme schedule/duration.

Upon receiving the request for CSIP from a foreign university, the TISS faculty members and staff get in touch with IRO regarding the programme as all international academic/non-academic programmes/ collaborations at TISS are required to be channelized through IRO.
If this request is received directly by IRO, the IRO team will assist the incoming group with all the rules and procedures for conducting the CSIP.

As mandated, all the budget regarding the international programmes at TISS is prepared by IRO. The IRO facilitation charge on any such programmes is 25% over and above the total budget/ proposed expenses. There will be no fees charged for Faculty Development/ Capacity Building programmes for Faculty members/ staff.

After the submission of the tentative budget, the incoming Universities have to make payment of 50% as advance amount (out of the total sanctioned budget), before the commencement of the programme.
The final invoice will be prepared – post the completion of the programme based on the actuals. Any costs that were not budgeted will be charged extra in the final Invoice.
If needed, a separate agreement/ addendum to the current MoU can be drawn to support the planned CSIP programme.

IRO pays the honorarium to the field agencies/ faculty members/ resource persons/ student coordinators helping with the programme as per approved IRO Financial Matrix.

The final payment for the programme should be processed to IRO within 45 days – post the completion of the programme and submission of IRO final invoice. Any other taxes will be applicable to the incoming group based on the arrangements as per the GOI rules and regulations. Any request to retain bills/ requirement of a detailed statement/ banking transactions/ reporting format/ bank statement has to be communicated well in advance (during the planning of the programme).


Instructions for international students coming under CSIP

  The incoming students visiting TISS under CSIP have to come on 'Students visa', as mandated and required by the Government of India unless stated otherwise depending on the duration of the programme. Some incoming groups need FRRO registration based on the Visa granted/ period of stay in India. All incoming students/ faculty have to provide IRO with a copy of their passport and issued visa along with any other information requested from IRO. The incoming University/ group will be responsible for payment of all on-campus/ off-campus facilities and services used by them during the programme period. This will be charged to them on an actual basis - based on the usage. All the arrangements made during the programme will be based on the requests received and based on logistical availability. No end minute requests will be entertained. The incoming University/ group will be responsible for payment of all on-campus/ off-campus facilities and services used by them during the programme period. This will be charged to them on an actual basis - based on the usage. Any specific arrangements/ requirements have to be communicated to IRO in advance. End minute cancellation for any on-campus/ off-campus facilities will be chargeable. This needs to be communicated at least 24 hrs in advance (food/ transport/ classroom/ visit to agency or any other logistical arrangements) to facilitate timely cancelation. As mandated, all the budget regarding the international programmes at TISS is prepared by IRO. The IRO facilitation charge on any such programmes is 25% over and above the total budget/ proposed expenses. All students have to make the final presentation on the last day of the programme reflecting on their learnings and experiences during the Customized programme. IRO will provide a Grade/ programme Completion Certificate as per the mutual agreement with the Home University.


For more details on CSIPs, read our brochure or contact us at