M.A. in Geography (DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur )
M.Phil. & Ph.D. in Population Studies (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)
Post-Doctorate in Urban Studies (National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi)
Arvind Pandey
Assistant Professor
School of Public Policy and Governance
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad Off-Campus
K.B. Sainik School Premises,
Brahmannapalli Road, Abdullapurmet Mandal,
Ranga Reddy Dist. Hyderabad-501510
email: arvind.pandey@tiss.edu; arvind.geo23@gmail.com
Dr. Arvind Pandey is an Assistant Professor at the School of Public Policy and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad. He received his M. Phil., and Ph.D. from Centre for the Study of Regional Development, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Before joining TISS, he was working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), New Delhi on a project- ‘Sustainable, Healthy, Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC)’ which is managed by the GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, University of Glasgow. This project is part of an international consortium of nine research institutions of seven countries. During his three-year duration in NIUA, he has worked on several projects funded by UNICEF, UNDP, ICMPD, and ICLD. He was also part of the research team providing inputs for the National Urban Policy Framework (Draft) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India.
He has worked for UNESCO-India as an Individual Consultant in 2016. He was also part of a team of Trans-Disciplinary Cluster in Jawaharlal Nehru University in which he has worked on two projects titled “Transformative Pathways to Sustainability: Learning across Disciplines, Contexts and Cultures” sponsored by International Social Science Council and “Urbanisation and Sustainability in the era of Globalisation: Emerging Scenarios in South-West National Capital Region” sponsored by University Programme for Excellence (UPE-II).
Dr. Arvind’s academic credentials include a scholarship to attend Population and Development Institute in 2014 from Brown International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI), Brown University, USA, a Gold Medal in the University for the first Rank in M.A., and a Senior Research Fellowship to conduct research in Population Studies from the University Grants Commission.
Urban Demography, Urban Economics, Migration Studies (Internal and International), Urban Social Protection
Research Articles:
Chapters in Book:
Working Papers/Background Papers:
Kundu, Debolina & Pandey, Arvind (2021). Sustainable Urbanisation in India and Delhi: Challenges and Way Forward (Background Paper in 23rd ASEF Summer University, ASEF Education Department). Singapore: Asia-Europe Foundation. Retrieved from https://asef.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/ASEFSU23_Background-Paper_Sustainable-Urbanisation-in-India.pdf
Jha, Ajit & Pandey, Arvind (2020): Occupational and Employment Mobility among Migrant Workers: A Case Study of Slums of NCT of Delhi (ISID Working Paper No. 222). New Delhi: Institute for Studies in Industrial Development. Retrieved from http://isid.org.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/WP222.pdf.
Kundu, Debolina, Pandey, Arvind & Sharma, Pragya (2019): Making Cities Work: Policies and Programmes in India. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs. ISBN- 978-81-9413-480-0.
Research Reports:
Sethi, Meera, Kundu, Debolina & Pandey, Arvind Kumar (2021). India-EU Migration and Mobility: Flows & Patterns. Austria: The International Centre for Migration Policy Development and the European Union. Retrieved from https://www.icmpd.org/file/ download/53696/file/ICMPD% 2520%25C2%25B7%2520India-EU% 2520Migration%2520and% 2520Mobility%2520Flows%2520% 2526%2520Patterns_ BaselineReport.pdf
Kundu, Debolina, Mishra, Rakesh, Kar, Biswajit, Debnath, Tania, Pandey, Arvind, Pandey, Varsha, Shukla, Ankita, & Rayhan, SK (2020): Children and Adolescents in Urban India: Scale and Nature of Deprivation- An Empirical Analysis. New Delhi: UNICEF-India & National Institute of Urban Affairs.
Kundu, Debolina, Muller, Andre, Binot, Regine, Ghatak, Aparajita, Keil, Lukas, Mondal, Biswajit, Pandey, Arvind, & Schmidt-Seiwert, Volker (2019): India and Europe/Germany: Spatial Structures and Trends. Bonn: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development (BBSR).ISBN- 978-3-87994-150-6.
Conference Proceedings:
Pandey, Arvind Kumar (2014): Japanese Encephalitis in India: An Epidemiological Overview, In Chauhan, P.R. et al. (Eds.) Environment, Agriculture & Population Growth. New Delhi: R. K. Books, pp. 270-289. ISBN-93-82-847-11-3.
Book Reviews:
Kundu, Debolina & Pandey, Arvind (2021). [Review of the book Demanding development: The Politics of Public Goods Provision in India’s Urban Slums by Adam Michael Auerbach]. Environment & Urbanisation Asia, 12(2) 344–347.
Pandey, Arvind (2011). [Review of the book Seasonal Migration of Labour in Maharashtra by Neelamma Hari and Janarth Team AND Seasonal Rural Migration: Quality of Life at destination and Source- A Study of Sugarcane Cutter Migrants by Prashant Bansode]. Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 54(4), 755-758.
1. Quantum and Spread of Government Support to Households: A Case Study of Direct and Indirect Transfer of Subsidies, Goods and Services in NCT of Delhi funded by National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi (with Prof. Aseem Prakash)
1. Leaving no one Behind: Approaches to ensure access to social protection in urban areas, especially in slums and informal settlements funded by UNICEF, New York Office (With Prof. Aseem Prakash)
2. Socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in the countries of WHO South-East Asia region funded by the World Health Organisation, South Asia (With Prof. Aseem Prakash and Dr. Srinivas Surisetti)
3. Social Protection in Select States of South India: Institutions, Processes and Outcomes supported by UNICEF, Hyderabad (with Prof. Aseem Prakash and Dr. Ipsita Sapra)
Winter Semester:
M.A. Public Policy and Governance:
Urban Planning and Policies
Urban Economics
Public Economics (shared with Dr. Amit Sadhukhan)
Data Analysis workshop
M.A. Cities and Governance:
Financing Cities: Theories and Practices
Impact Evaluation
City Labs (Regional and Development Plans)
B.A. in Social Sciences:
Statistics for Social Sciences-I
Monsoon Semester:
Software Tools for Data Analysis
M.A. Public Policy and Governance:
Urban Identities and Governance
Philosophy and Methods of Social Research-I
Reading Text and Research Writing
Data Analysis Workshop
M.A. Cities and Governance:
Plan and Making of Cities
Economics of Cities
Quantitative Reasoning and Statistical Methods
City Labs (Infrastructure Planning, Trafic and Transport Planning, and Planning of slums)
B.A. in Social Sciences:
Statistics for Social Sciences-II