Assistant Professor
Guwahati Campus,
Assistant Professor,
Centre for Labour Studies and Social Protection,
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
MPhil and Ph.D in Economics - University of Hyderabad
M.A in Applied Economics - Pondicherry University
Mobile No-9494242628
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Dr.B. Prasad is an assistant professor at the Centre of Labour Studies and Social Protraction (LSSP), Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS), Guwahati, since August 2023.
Dr. B. Prasad's academic and professional background. Dr.B.Prasad has an impressive educational journey with a Ph.D. in Economics from School of Economics, University of Hyderabad in 2019, and M.Phil. From the same institution in 2012, and an MA in Applied Economics from Pondicherry Central University in 2007.
Dr. Prasad has a academic achievements, having qualified UGC-Net and AP-TS-SET in Economics, as well as receiving an ICCSR Doctoral Fellowship. He has also contributed significantly to academic literature with more than 10 research articles published in various national and international journals, along with the publication of a book.
His teaching interest area subjects are labour Economics, Informal Economy, Environmental economics, Micro and Macro Economics, Public Economics, Indian Economy and International Economics. His research area of interest were Rural and Urban Development Economics, Informal Economy, Migration, Labour Economics and Rural Development.
Prior to this, he served as faculty in Dept of Development Studies at Mahatma Gandhi University in Nalgonda from 2021 to 2023 and worked as an Economics Lecturer at Bhavan’s New Science Degree College, Hyderabad, from 2019 to 2021.
Labour Economics, Migration and Rural Development , Informal Economy
1. Prasad, Begari (2019) ‘Nature and Characteristics of the Semi-Urban Informal Workers: A Special Reference to the Stone Polish Workers in Tandur, Vikarabad Districts, Telangana” in International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences (IJREISS) Vol.09 Issue 10, October 2019. Page 50-58, ISSN 2250-0588.Impact Factor: 6.565.
2. Prasad, Begari (2018) “Issues and Challenges of the weekly market Street vendors in Telangana: A Special Reference to Hyderabad” in Economic affair, Vol.63, No.1, Pp.45-51, March 2018. ISSN No-0976-4666.
3. Balraju Erramani and Prasad Begari (2018) “The Performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in Andhra Pradesh” in Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol.No-8, January 2018, pp-150-164. ISSN: 2249-7307.
4. Balraju Erramani and Prasad Begari (2018) ‘Performance of The MGNREGA programme in Telangana : A Comparative study of Medak and Mahabubnagar Districts’ in North Asian International Research Journal of social science & Humanities, Vol,No-4, Issue-1 in January 2018, pp-241-258.b, ISSN: 2454-9827.
5. Prasad, Begari (2017) ‘Education level of street Vendors and Its impact on performance of the activity: A case study of Hyderabad’ in International Journal of Research in Economics and Social sciences(IJRESS), Vol.7,Issue 7, July-2017, pp.436-443. ISSN: 2249-7382.
6. Prasad B (2017) ‘Securing Employment and Incomes through Public Programs: A case study of MGNREGA in Rangareddy District” Asian Journal of Research in Social Science, vol.7, No.5, May 2017, pp-18-34. ISSN No-2249-7915.
7. Sudharshan Reddy Paramati, Abdulrasheed Zakari, Mallesh Jalle, Seeenaiah Kale, and Prasad, Begari (2017) ‘ The Dynamic Impact of Bilateral Trade Linkages On stock market Correlation of Australia and China” The journal of Applied Economic Latter’s, Pages-141-145, ISSN: 1350-4851 (Print) 1466-4291.
8. Prasad, B (2017), ‘Socio-Economic Conditions of weekly Market vendors in Telangana State: A case study of Hyderabad’ International journal of academic Research, ISSN: 2348-7666-; Vol.4, issue (1)3, pp-203-214. January 2017.
9. Prasad, B (2016) ‘The impact of MGREGA on Migration: A study of Rangareddy District in Telangana State” Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vo.6, No.10, October 2016, pp.7-24.. ISSN: 2349-7307.
1. B. Prasad (2016) ‘The Impact of MGNREGA on Employment, income and Migration: A case study of Rangareddy District in Telangana” Lambert Academic Publication, ISBN: 978-3-659-944-24-6.
Chapter in edited Book
1. Prasad.B (2020) “Migration Among weekly market street vendors in Telangana: A case study of Hyderabad” Global Warming and Sustainable Development-2020, ISBN: 978-81-946216-4-5.