M.A. in Development Economics (University of Calicut),
M.Phil. in Planning and Development & Ph.D. in Economics (IIT, Bombay)
Sustainability Transition
Labour Market
Social Networks
Small Business
Knowledge and Innovation
Human Resource Management in Higher Education
Bino Paul, Unmesh Patnaik, Kamal Murari, Santosh Kumar Sahu, and Muarlidharan T (6th May 2022), German Patent (Utility Model), A system to Account for the Impact of Covid 19 on Households of India (IPC: G06Q 10/06)
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals / Book Chapters
Y. Chandraprakash, Bino Paul, K. M. Parivelan (2023), Resilience and adaptation strategies of ethnic migrants in the own-account work sector: A study of Uphill Country Tamils in Kerala, India, Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, Volume 7, Issue 1-2, Dec 2023, p. 47 – 70
Rajan, S. G., & Bino Paul (2023). A Space for Dignity: The Vantage of Capability Approach. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(2).
George, Ranjit, Bino Paul (2023). Unravelling the interplay between competencies, career preparedness, and perceived employability among postgraduate students: a structural model analysis. Asia Pacific Education Review . https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-023-09896-4
Pandit, J. M., & Bino Paul (2023). Strategic Human Resource Management in Higher Education: Roadmap for Indian Institutions. Springer Nature.
Aman Borkar, Bino Paul (2023), Institutional Analysis of Dependency on Forest Resources, Economic and Political Weekly (Special Article), vol LVIII, No 24, p 112-120
Bino Paul, Ramesh C. Datta, Unmesh Patnaik, Saritha C. Thomankutty, and Sumesh P. Soman. 2023. "The Dynamics of Indian Labour: Ramifications for Future of Work and Sustainability" Sustainability 15, no. 12: 9312. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129312
Pacheco, C., & Paul, B. (2023). Collaboration in Innovation Systems: A Study in India, Triple Helix (published online ahead of print 2023). doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/21971927-bja10039
Bino Paul., Murari, K.K., Patnaik, U. et al. Sustainability transition for Indian agriculture. Sci Rep 13, 7290 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34092-0
Jai Mohan Pandit and Bino Paul, Gender Diversity, Sustainable Development Goals and Human Resource Management Practices in Higher Education, Indian Journal of Human Development (2023), https://doi.org/10.1177/09737030231169699
Bino Paul, Rahul Shaji, Unmesh Patnaik, Ashraf Pulikkamath, Irfan Ahmed, Soumen Ghosh (2023), Transition to sustainable development in the tanning industry: Evidence from leather value chain in Tamil Nadu, India, Sustainable Development, 2023, 1-12
Pacheco, C. and Bino Paul. (2023), "Applying complexity theory perspective to knowledge management in the innovation context", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Rohini Pillai and Bino Paul (2023), Industry 4.0 and the Changing Employment Relations: A Case of the Indian Information Technology Industry, NHRD Network Journal 16(1) 92–110
Bino Paul, Unmesh Patnaik, Subash Sasidharan, Kamal Kumar Murari, and Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati. 2022. "Fertilizer Use, Value, and Knowledge Capital: A Case of Indian Farming" Sustainability 14, no. 19: 12491. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912491
Aman Borkar, Satish Pradhan, Deepak Apte, Nadiya Parekh, Bino Paul (2022), Determining the Likelihood of Locals' Dependence on Forest Resources Influenced by Personal and Household Characteristics, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, Volume 8, No. 2, 2022, 182-195
Venkatesh Murthy, Jaganth G & Bino Paul (2022) Entrepreneur and employee negotiated labour market flexibility in small firms, Labour and Industry, DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2022.2098565
Bino Paul, Unmesh Patnaik, Kamal Kumar Murari, Santosh Kumar Sahoo, and Muralidharan T (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Household Economy of India, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Online first
Bino Paul (2001), Indian Volleyball: from local contexts to global realities In Sports Studies in India, Edited by Meena Gopal and Padma Prakash, Oxford University Press, 60-69
Jai Mohan Pandit, Bino Paul (2021), Can India’s Higher Education Improve Through Better Management of Human Resources: A Comparative Study of India and the United States, Indian Journal of Human Development, First Published December 1, 2021, Online First
Bino Paul (2021), Why is Social Sustainability Indispensible?, Special Editorial, Indian Journal of Social Work, 82-3, p 283-290
Bino Paul, Patnaik U, Jaganth G, Murari K (2021). Employment, Technology and Value Chain: A Case of Indian Leather Industry. Science, Technology and Society. Online first
Bino Paul, Krishna (2021). The Emerging Dynamics of Informal Employment, World Economics Journal, 22 (2), p 71-95
Soumya Rajan and Bino Paul (2021). Searching answers for dignity, knowledge and engagement in a Worker Cooperative Society. IIMB Management Review (pre-print).
Bino Paul, Awasthi Mansi. (2020) Interplay of Technology and Labour Productivity: Emerging Story of Consumer Electronics in India. In: Siddharthan N., Narayanan K. (eds) FDI, Technology and Innovation. Springer, Singapore
Bino Paul, Jayakumar, T., & Muralidharan, T. (2020). Estimating Employment Elasticity of Growth in a High-growth Indian State: The Case of Maharashtra. South Asian Journal of Management, 27(1), p 78-102.
K. R. Sinimole, G. D. Bino Paul, M. Sivakami (2019), Does Healthcare System in Kerala Need a Change? Emerging Patterns of Morbidly and Hospitalisation, Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
Bino Paul G.D., Jaganth G., Johnson Abhishek M., Rahul S. (2018) What Makes Enterprises in Auto Component Industry Perform? Emerging Role of Labour, Information Technology, and Knowledge Management. In: Siddharthan N., Narayanan K. (eds) Globalisation of Technology. India Studies in Business and Economics. Springer, Singapore
Bino Paul G D, Venkatesha Murthy, and Susanta Datta (2018), Working and Living Conditions of Women Domestic Workers: insights from a survey, The Indian journal of Industrial Relations, 53, 3, p 390-403.
Krishna M, Bino Paul G D (2017), The Structure of Collaboration Networks: An Illustration of Indian Economics, Journal of Social Structure, 18, 4, 1-18
Bino Paul GD, Anantha Padhmanabha Achar, Krishna Muniyoor, Venkatesh Murthy R (2017) "What determines the performance of small business units? Insights from a jewellery cluster", Journal of Workplace Learning,29, 6,447-472
Murthy, V., & Paul, B. (2017). Nature of Buyer–Supplier Relationship: Small Businesses in a Small City. Journal of Small Business Management, 55(3), 365-387.
Bino Paul (2016) Does information and communication technology (ICT) impact small business in India?:Emerging patterns Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, United Nations ESCAP, 33, 4, 19-25
Bino Paul, G. D., & Ashutosh B Murti (2016). Socio-economy of Mobile Phone Ownership in India. In Technology: corporate and social dimensions (pp. 157-168). Springer Singapore.
Venkatesh Murthy R, Bino Paul G D (2016). Emotional embeddedness: a process of becoming a small business owner. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 9(2), 120-143
Bino Paul, Puja Gupta (2016), Are Trade Unions Relevant in the Indian Banking ,Economic and Political weekly, special Article, LI. 16, 69-79
Ashutosh B Murti, Bino Paul G D (2016) Efficacy of Social-Network and Firm’s Recruitment Behaviour, Indian Labour Journal. Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, January 2016, Vol.57, No.1. p 3-18
Ashutosh B Murti, Bino Paul G D (2015), Determinants of vacancies for management graduates in Indian firms, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50,4,588-600
Sunta Kumari, Bino Paul G D (2015), Scoping social entrepreneurship in India: organisation, technology, and collaboration, Indian Journal of Sustainable Development, 1,1,39-47
Aman Borkar, Bino Paul G D (2015), Employment in organized and unorganized retail, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50,3, 517-532
Bino Paul G D (2015), Women in Indian Labour Market - Emerging Options, current affairs, esocialsciences
Krishna M, Bino Paul G D (2014),On-the-job search in India: some macro evidences, Labour and Development, 21,2, 143-157
Muralidharan T, Bino Paul, Ashutosh B. Murti (2014), Should real wages of workers go up in Indian manufacturing, Economic and Political weekly (special article), XLIX, 30, pp 153-162
Murti B. Ashutosh and Bino Paul G D (2014) Key indicators of labour market flexibility & skill shortages, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49,3, 243-256
Bino Paul (2014),India:Industrial Relations Profile, European Industrial Relations Observatory,Eurofound
Bino Paul G D (2014), Indian Labour Market: an overview in Bino Paul G D (guest edited) Jobs and Livelihood: mapping the landscape, IRIS Knowledge Foundation, Mumbai, pp 17-32
Venkatesha Murthy R, Bino Paul G D (2014), Conversations and Gestures of small business owners with their suppliers: exploring social content in a pure business relation, Procedia Economics and Finance, 11, 753-766
Bino Paul G D (2014), Wages and Labour productivity, in Siddharthan N S (guest edited) Stagnant manufacturing: governance and policy slack, IRIS Knowledge Foundation, Mumbai & Forun for Knowledge Sharing, pp 88-106
Bino Paul G D (2014), Exploring the link between labour market, business environment and technology: insights from India in Bhowmik (ed.) The state of labour: the global financial crisis and its impact, New Delhi: Routledge, pp 83-104
Murti B. Ashutosh and Bino Paul G D (2014) Skill shortages and its determinants in Indian Firms: an exploration, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49,3, 439-456
Minz A. Johnson and Bino Paul G D (2013) Workers’ Representation in Organizations -Participation and Bargaining: Insights from a Case Study, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49,1
Krishna, Bino Paul G D (2013)What explains wage in India, Indian Journal of industrial relations, 48, 3, 487-499
Bino Paul G D, Venkatesha Murthy R, Puja Dave (2013), CSR at Shipping Corporation of India, Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 6, 1, 64-75
Bino Paul, Krishna (2013) 'Youth Labour Market in India: Opportunities and Choices' in Padma Prakash (eds), State of the Urban Youth India 2012: Employment, Livelihoods, Skills. Mumbai: IRIS Knowledge Foundation and UN HABITAT's Global Urban Youth Research Network
Bino Paul G D, Krishna M (2012), Labour Market in Urban Agglomerations: A Case from an Indian Global City, Science, Technology and Society, 17, 453-478
Bino Paul G D, Sony Pellissery (2012), Exchanges in public space: a network approach to street food vendors, NMIMS Management Review, XXII, 37-58
Bino Paul G D, Krishna M, Saritha CT (2011), Does change in S&T explain dynamics in human capital, IAASI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Science, July-December, 3&4, p 33-62
Bino Paul G D, Krishna M (2011) “Does social network matter in knowledge output”, Science, Technology and Society, 16, 2, 235-255
Denzil Fernandez, Bino Paul G D (2011), "Social networks of migrant construction workers in Goa", The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47, 1, 65-77
Kishore Birdikar, Bino Paul G D, Venkatesha Murthy (2011) "Understanding labour market flexibility in India Exploring emerging trends in employment", Journal of Social and Economic Development, 13, 1, pp 87-108.
Bino Paul G D (2009), “Demographic Dividend or Deficit: Insights from data on Indian Labour”, International Journal of Education Economics and Development, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.142–155.
Bino Paul G D, Sony Pellissery, Kishore Bhirdikar, Shaoni Shabnam, Milly Sil, Krishna M. and Pathan J.I (2008), “Educational attainment of youth and implications for Indian labour market: an exploration through data”, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 5, 4, pp 813-830
Bino Paul G D, Sankaran K. (2007), “Indigenous Knowledge and Fast Moving Consumer Goods- Are we seeing some tradeoffs?”, International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 6, 6, pp 612-625
Bino Paul G D, Subash S, Ramanathan A (2005) “Concentration in Knowledge Output: A Case of Economics Journals”, The European Journal of Comparative Economics, LIUC University Press, 2, 2, pp. 261-278
Subash S, Bino Paul G D, Ramanathan A (2004), “Technical Efficiency in Rice Production”, Indian Journal of Regional Science, 36, 1, pp 118-126.
Bino Paul G D, Regi Thomas, Om Kumar (2002), “Panchayat Development Information System and Development Indices”, Indian Journal of Regional Science, 34, 2, pp 37-52
Employment in Unorganised Sector in Navi Mumbai: A Socio Economic Profile
A Study on Socio-Economic Conditions of Home-Based Workers in the Textile and Garment Industry
Bino Paul G D Ed. (2011), India Labour Market Report 2009-10. Adecco TISS Labour Market Research Initiatives. Mumbai: Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Bino Paul GD and Fahimuddin Pasha SM Ed. (2011), Role of ICT in Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act (MGNREGA), Computer Society of India, Mumbai.
Bino Paul G D, Kishore Bhirdikar, Shaoni Shabnam, Piu Mukherji, M Krishna, Radhika Bharadwaj, K Purandaran, R Venkatesha Murthy (2009). India Labour Market Report 2008. Adecco TISS Labour Market Research Initiatives. Mumbai: Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Adecco TISS Labour Market Research Initiative
CSR for Shipping Corporation of India (2009-2014)
Strategic Management of MESCO Trust (2009)
Labour Market Outcomes, KwaZulu-Natal Province, Government of South Africa (2011)
UNI Apro, Non Standard work in India (2013)
Working and Living Condition of Firemen, Government of Maharashtra (2013)
Informal Work in Navi Mumbai, Government of Maharashtra (2013 to 2014)
Socio Economy of Mobile Phone Ownership, Tata Tele Services (2014)
Industrial Relations in India, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (2013-2014)
Restructuring CAPART (2013-2014), Government of India
Innovation in Public Health: a research on collaborations, Northwestern University (2013-2014)
Labour Market and Skill, Chhattisgarh Rural Livelihood Mission, Government of Chhattisgarh
Home based Work in India, ITX Trading (2015)
Unorganised Employment in Navi Mumbai, CIDCO (2015)
Domestic Work in India, International Labour Organisation - ILO, (2015)
Re visioning Maulana Azad Education Foundation, Minsitry of Minority Affairs, Government of India (2015)
Decent work in auto component value chains, International Labour Organisation (2016)
Visioning Marine Navigation Institute, Ministry of Shipping, Government of India (2016)
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Impress Project on Soil Health Card (2019)
Due Diligence in Indian Leather Industry, ITX Trading (2020)
Labour Economics
Social Network Analysis
Organisational Economics
Science Technolgy and Society