Centre for Health and Mental Health, School of Social Work (Rm. 205, Second Floor),
School of Social Work
Tata Instittue of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai 400088
Email id: brinelledsouza@tiss.edu
Office: 02225525462
Brinelle D’souza is currently Chairperson, Centre for Health and Mental Health, School of Social Work. Her areas of expertise are public health, health rights, marginalization and health and health activism. She teaches, Health Policy, Comparative Study of Health Systems, Community Health (co-teaching), Social Action and Advocacy in the field of Health, Health and Development ( co-teaches), Human Rights and modules on Religion and Secularism at TISS. In 2007, she was awarded the CAPS-Fogarty Scholarship by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Berkley for a Visiting Scientist’s Programme in AIDS Prevention Research at the Centre of AIDS Prevention Studies, UCSF. As part of the programme she did a 10 week programme in Clinical Research Methods from Department of Biostatistics and Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, USA. In 2006, she attended, the Summer Instittue on Sexuality, Culture and Society at the University of Amsterdam (UvA Summer School).
Brinelle has directed projects at the state and national level in collaboration with UNAIDS, UNDP, USAID, the National AIDS Control Organization, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Global Fund to Fight Against AIDS, TB and Malaria, Geneva. In 2007, she led a five member team of university faculty to develop the GFTAM, Round 7, HIV/AIDS Counselling Programme in close partnership with the National AIDS Control Organization. This was first time in the history of the GFATM, that a University System (40 universities across the country) went on to jointly implement a grant and support a national health programme. It was also the first time that a University (TISS) became the Principle Recipient. Saksham as the GFATM Round 7 component went on to be called became a model of public-public partnership.
Brinelle D’Souza has been a temporary advisor to the World Health Organization,Geneva for a consultation on Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS and was supported by the Global Fund to participate in a counsultation at the World Bank, Washington DC on health systems strengthening in 2010. She chaired the Counselling Working Group for National AIDS Control Programme III. At TISS, she has coordinated student fieldwork and research for many years at the CHMH and is part of the working group to develop the BSW curriculum. She is now part of the MA Social Work working group for reimagining the Master's Programme in the context of the NEP. She has presented papers at national and international conferences/ webinars on access to health care, COVID-19 pandemic, gender, secularism, religion and the state, minority rights, etc and has contributed to and overseen the development of many training manuals.
Brinelle D'souza is actively engaged in the issue of health rights, especially in relation to access to health care. As co-convenor, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan – Mumbai, the local chapter of the global People’s Health Movement, she spear headed advocacy efforts on behalf of JSA-Mumbai for private sector regulation, vaccine equity, price control of critical medicines during the COVID pandemic and the issuance of compulsory licensing in the case of two critical but cost prohibitive drugs - bedaquiline and delamanid used in the treatment of MDR TB. She and a team of activists formed a network called Mumbai Responds to respond to the various challenges faced by the urban poor because of loss ofincomes and livelihoods and the crisis emanating from the lockdown and social restrictions. The network reached out to more than 30,000 urban poor families and migrants with food supplies and was involved with many advocacy issues. She is a member of the National Working Group on Access to Treatment and Intellectual Property, a member of the State Mentoring Committee, Community Action for Health under the State Health Mission, Government of Maharashtra and a member of the National Coordinating Committee, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan, India and a member of the core group of National Solidarity Forum - a national network that works on communal harmony, peace and reconciliation.
Brinelle D'souza is currently involved in building the capacity of faith based organizations of West India in advocacy related to the Sustainable Development Goals. She is also very action on the issue of gender rights in religious spaces and has been working on the issue of sexual abuse in the church through a national network she co- founded called Voices Against Sexual Abuse in the Church (VASAC). On March 2020, Brinelle was felicitated by the Women's Commission, Archdiocese of Mumbai, for her contribution to society.
to be done
July - December 2009: Coordinated the National HIV Social Science Research Initiative in partnership with Action Aid, India and coordinated the National Consultation on HIV Social Research Priorities in India jointly organized by TISS and Action Aid , Mumbai, India
Research Projects
Courses currently teaching
Bachelor's in Social Work
Master's level
Foundation Course - co-teach modules on