BSc in Agriculture (UAS, Bangalore), MA Socialwork (TISS, Mumbai), M.PHIL (NUEPA, New Delhi), PhD (ISEC, Bangalore)
Dr. Pradeep Ramavath J
Associate Professor
Centre for Livelihood and Social Entrepreneurship
School of Social Work
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
Jalukbari, Guwahati, Assam 781012
Mobile- +91 9008007369
Pradeep Ramavath J is an Associate Professor with The Centre for Livelihood and Social Entrepreneurship (CLSE), School of Social Work (SSW), Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS), Guwahati. Previously he worked as Assistant Professor and Assistant Director with the Institute for Public Policy (IPP), Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), National Law School of India University (NLSIU), his areas of specialization include Livelihoods, Public Policy, Education & Social Justice. After his Masters in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai) he worked with TVS Motor Company Limited in their Corporate Social Responsibility division Srinivasan Services Trust(TVSSST), he worked closely with rural communities on the issues of education and livelihood. Then he moved to Azim Premji University where he taught courses in Educational Governance, Decentralization, Educational Policy, School Systems and Governance.
Pradeep has PhD from the Institute for Social and Economic Change(ISEC), Bengaluru and his dissertation topic was on Interaction of Micropolitics and education quality in rural Karnataka. He has an M.Phil. in Educational Planning and Administration from the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (New Delhi) where he worked on the theme of Functioning of School Development and Monitoring Committees in Lambani Thandas of Karnataka. Pradeep has NET-JRF in Education & Social work, Bachelors degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Agricultural Sciences(UAS), GKVK Bengaluru.
Pradeep has published several articles on educational social justice, decentralization, and governance. He was part of field action projects on social justice and school education. He has experience working as coordinator of several executive development programmes in Public Policy with NLSIU, Azim Premji University and Administrative Training Institute (ATI), Mysore. As part of the Institute of Public Policy, he taught courses in Group Inequality, Public Policy and Leadership for Public Policy Students. He was the Coordinator of Dr B.R.Ambedkar Studies Centre and Centre for Study of Marginalized Communities(Talasamudaayagala Adhyayana Kendra) of NLSIU. During his engagement with Dr Ambedkar studies centre, he initiated the Dr Ambedkar for Youth and Democracy Campaign in Karnataka reaching out to more than 50,000 youths. Through this campaign key texts of Dr Ambedkar like Annihilation of Caste, States and Minorities, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Hindu Code Bill got trans-created into Kannada.
Further, Dr Pradeep worked as one of the coordinators for the “Quest for Equity- Dr Ambedkar International Conference” organized by the Government of Karnataka in 2017. He was responsible for the design of community policy studies among most marginalised scheduled caste communities such as Dakkaliga, Sindhollu, Koracha, Korama, Gosangis and vulnerable scheduled tribe groups such as Jenu Kurubas, Yerava, Malekudiya and Asalaru. He played a very instrumental role in bringing out the draft Devadasi Relief, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act-2018. He was the director for the ICSSR funded major project on Searching Rationale of Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) and its effectiveness for five Southern States.
Currently, at TISS Guwahati Dr Pradeep is teaching courses on Livelihoods, Culture and Identity, Research in Social Work, Networking, Alliances, Joint Ventures and Partnerships to students of Social Work. He also teaches a paper on Constitution, Law and Human Rights to students of Peace and Conflict Studies.
Social justice
Education and marginalisation
Public policies and identities
Social network analysis and systems thinking
Sustainable livelihoods & agriculture
Transformative leadership
History and livelihood of Banjaras
Ramavath PJ (2021). Dichotomies of Categorisation of Denotified Tribes: Reflections from Karnataka. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 56, Issue No. 36, 04 Sep 2021
Ramavath PJ (2020). Political Intersectionality and Tribal Politics in Karnataka. In Xaxa V & Ambagudia J (Eds). Handbook of Tribal Politics in India. New Delhi. Sage Publications.
Ramavath PJ(2019). Teacher associations: vanguards or neo-corporate policy bargainers? Journal of Educational Planning and Administration. Vol XXXIII, No 2, July 2019, 193-206
Ramavath PJ(2018). Dysfunctional School Development and Monitoring Committees: Critical Appraisal in Lambani Thandas of Karnataka. Local Government Quarterly. Vol LXXXVIII, No.1, January-March 2018. 56-85
Ramavath PJ(2018). From millions to fractions: re-examining pragmatism in the context of internal reservation. Occasional paper series(04/2018). Institute of Public Policy (IPP). National Law School of India University (NLSIU).
Ramavath PJ( 2017). Interaction of Micropolitics and Education Quality in Rural Karnataka. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration. Vol XXXI, No 3, July 2017, pp 225-242
Ramavath PJ (2017).Methodological Hybridization to study Micropolitics and Education Quality in Rural Contexts. Indian Journal of Human Relations. Vol.51, Issue-2 July-Dec 2017, pp 79-97.
Ramavath PJ(2017). Overarching goals on quality education: a study of perspective shift by management development facilitators in the state of Karnataka. Indian Journal of Training and Development. Vol 47, No 4, Oct-Dec 2017, 34-42.
Rizwan A & Ramavath PJ (2017). Identity, Ghettoization and Quality: the case of empowering Urdu school teachers in urban slums in Bangalore. Living Sociology, Vol-5, Issue-4, 56-65.
Ramavath PJ (2016). Discoursing Discipline in Indian Schooling System. International Education and Research Journal. Volume : 2 | Issue : 3 | March 2016
Ramavath PJ (2016). Interaction of Micropolitics and Education Quality: Commentary on Infrastructure and Curriculum. International Education and Research Journal. Volume : 2 | Issue : 5 | May 2016
Ramavath PJ (2012). National Policy of ICT in school education: a flawed and disjointed policy. In S.S. Patil Eds (2012). ICT in Education. Jaipur. Prateeksha Publications.
Ramavath PJ(2011). Community participation and school leadership: illustrations from Namma Shale initiative in rural Karnataka. Learning curve. Issue XVI, March 2011, Azim Premji Foundation, Bangalore.
Ramavath PJ (2011). Improving the micro-political environment of schools through community participation. Milestones, Issue 2.1, July 2011. Azim Premji Foundation, Bangalore.
Ramavath PJ(2011) (ed). Management development programme in education. Issue 2.0. July 2010. Milestones, Azim Premji Foundation, Bangalore.
Ramavath PJ (2010). Empowering teachers by strengthening „school-community connect‟: a case study of „Namma Shale‟ programme in rural Karnataka. In „ Millennium development goals and India-cases assessing performance, prospects and challenges ‟. Mishra RK (ed).Allied publishers. New Delhi.
Author for the Book titled “Banjarara Janaangiya Ithihasa”( History of Banjaras), Published by Kesula (Flame of the Forest) Publication, Shivamogga, 2016, January.
2013-15: Part of Knowledge Creation Team for Field action project of Government of Karnataka and Azim Premji Foundation. Namma Shale- School Community connect
2015-20: Talasamudaayagala Adhyayana Kendra. Series of projects to design community policy studies among most marginalised scheduled caste communities such as Dakkaliga, Sindhollu, Koracha, Korama, Gosangis and vulnerable scheduled tribe groups such as Jenu Kurubas, Yerava, Malekudiya and Asalaru. He played a very instrumental role in bringing out the draft Devadasi Relief, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act-2018.
2016-17: Ambedkar for Youth and Democracy, Government of Karnataka Project to reach out to more than 50,000 youths. Through this campaign key texts of Dr Ambedkar like Annihilation of Caste, States and Minorities, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Hindu Code Bill got trans-created into Kannada.
2016-19: Director for the ICSSR funded major project on Searching Rationale of Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) and its effectiveness for five Southern States.
Courses taught @Azim Premji University, Bengaluru
Educational governance and decentralisation
Educational policy and school systems,
Policy analysis and clinic
Courses taught@National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
Group inequality and inclusive Policies,
Organisational leadership ethics for public policy
Regulatory governance and sectoral workshops
Project planning, monitoring evaluation
Courses @Tata Institute of Social Scinces, Guwahati
Livelihoods, culture and identity
Research in social work-I
Networking, alliances, joint ventures and partnerships
Constitution, law and human rights